Walmart Inventory Checker Tool

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What Are You Searching For Today? is providing the stuff you see us posting based on in stock availability for YOUR area.  Did you know you CAN ORDER outside of your area while still getting the items shipped to your house!  This brings finding those hard to find deals such as LYSOL  CLOROX, and HAND SANITIZER, to a whole new level!!!!  While shopping online at or the Walmart app, some deals are zip code specific!  So, here are the steps to take if you are mobile and using the app!

1. Open up the Walmart app.  If you currently have a zip code saved it could look something like this picture!

2. If you have the zip code saved as soon as you open your app you can click on the current zip code and enter in the one you would like to use!

3. DO NOT WORRY about setting a store, setting a new store actually can CHANGE your zip code!!!  We don’t want that for those hot deal findings!  As soon as you enter in the new zip code you want to search deals for, just hit the arrow button!

4. After hitting the arrow you should be back to the regular main app screen!  Now type in whatever you would like to search for, let’s say Lysol, it will now search for lysol products under that specific zip code!  Make sure you are on and not the in my store.  If the products are available online you will be able to add them to your cart to purchase!  Remember these products tend to go VERY fast!



1. Once you open your app click on the three bars on the top left hand corner.

2. Click on the edit button to the right, this will bring you to step 3 above.  Remember DO NOT WORRY about setting a store!!!!  Follow steps 3 and 4!  Then  start your shopping!

Brickseek Walmart Inventory Checker


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